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Kung Fu Panda_the movie script

It is a great movie worh watching it!!



the expressions would remember to use

- Nothing is impossible
- When it is agitated, it becomes difficult to see
- if you allow it to settle, the answer becomes clear
- It is my great honor to present to you..
- who told you to....

- That flabby panda can’t possibly be the answer to our problem

- Crossbows! At the ready

- I’ve got him completely immobilized

- I think there has been a slight mistake

- My patience is wearing thin

- Do you have a ladder or a trampoline?

- That’s uncalled for

- Don’t stand that close

- if we don’t try we will never know, will we?

- I’m still digesting

- I am feeling a little nauseous

- are your biceps sore?

- Outnumbered to a thousand to one

- I see you have found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom

- There is a saying yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift.

That is why it is called present

-  Maybe on there

-  The true path to victory is to find your opponent’s weakness

-  Trust me, it will

- You treat it like a joke

-  I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve

-  Thrice

-  You let go of the illusion of control

-  I cannot make it blossom when it suits me, nor make it bear fruit before its time

-  No matter what you do that seed will grow to be a peach tree

-  To nurture it, to believe in it…you must believe

-  You must continue your journey without me

-  You have got to try this

-  This is what you’ve trained us for

-  You threw a brick at my head or said I smelled

-  Don’t try and stop me

-  Yeah ,I know, I disgust you

-  Cut it

-  The mark of a true hero is humility

-  You are no match for him

-  You will be able to hear a butterfly’s wing beat

-  Oh, come on! Face it

-  There is no secret ingredient!

-  To make something special, you just believe it is special

-  I rotted at the desk

-  But when he said otherwise, what did you do? Nothing!

-  Who filled my head dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked

-  It was my pride that blind me

-  I’m gonna pee,

-  You are bluffing

-  It is as he foretold