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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

ULTM....2017.2.27 (1st meeting)


CC#10.....Inspire your Audience (2nd time)

The Biggest Excuse



"That is only your excuse!

No, No, it is not the excuse, it is the cause, it is the reason I could not do it!"

Don't you think it sounds familiar to our daily life.


Then, what about the kind of excuse?

The excuse to other people to explain your circumstance to others

and the other kind of excuse is to myself to justify myself to me.

Tonight I would like to talk about the second kind of excuse, excuse to myself.


What is the biggest excuse to yourself?

not super-rich home background? widely said not Golden spoon

not very handsome or beautiful, not Korean Idol like looking?

or your nationality, all is because you are Korean?


my case, My biggest excuse to myself was Age.

and tonight I would like to talk about my excuse to myself to you




Personally I was the kind of person who has huge expectations on the age.

When I was a teenager I had a huge expectation on the age 20.

University student looks like full adult.

but When I got 20 was still too young to do something so I had another expectation on age 25. finishing military service made me adult like true man.

but I had to retrun back to my Uni. and had to study hard to prepare graduation and to get a job. and no money I could not make

the worst thing at age 25 was not enough money, too old to ask money to parents. No time to do part-time job 25 was still too young and not matured yet.

Age 25 is too young to do something.


So I had another expectation, age 30th. The business man!

Regardless working for a company or doing business.

My expected image of age 30 was

suit and tie and important document case in my hands and on the way for business trip to other countries

Shortly cut hair stylebusy with meetings, negotiation and presentation in front of many people.and most importantly cash and credit card in my wallet!


Not only these tangible things but also intangible and mental maturity, I expected, very sharp and precise decision making in personal life and company life as well.


But When I got thereAge 30

It was just like new born baby at the company, did not know much about company life, didn’t have any authorities to make a decision at all..

Age 30 was too young in the company to do something important;

if the company size was the bigger your work in the company was the smaller and pettier.

Age 30 is still too young to do something.


So I had another expectation, Age 40!

We call it “Free for Vacillation, or No temptation” Age 40 is so matured mentally and spiritually that superior to any temptation in the life.

And in the company hierarchy, age 40 should reach certain level to decide important matters with dignity and lead company much better way.


But when I got 40. not at all.

I could not say that I have reached the level of "No vacillation"

I was still fluctuated by many thing in my life.

also I have seen so many people around me who are way over then age 40 but they are still struggling in all kind of temptations and making mistakes and mis-judgments and mis-decision.

And I realised that the level of "No temptation" or mutuality in life cannot be achieved merely by the number of age.


From the Age 40 I gave up having expectation on the age.

When I stop to having the expectation on the age

I found out that another word come up to my mind about age.that was “I am too old to do something...man over 40 is too old to give it a try to new thing.


and one my boss, Mr. Baek, asked me to help with his present material with Power point program. In fact, He was my the first boss about 12 years ago and that time I became to work with him again. I didn't like him much though.

Any way, while I was helping him at his lap-top he said that "I am not good at this power point program; I am too old to learn it”


At that moment I felt like déjà vu, I have seen it, I have heard of it somewhere before.....and I found out that he mentioned it to me exactly 10 years ago when I was in my 30s and he was in his 40s.

And now 12 years later he is using the same sentence with his same voice tone that “I am too old to learn it..


what has he been doing for 12 years? what if he set the mind that "Okay Let's learn it" then he does not need any help.

or if he tried little bit instead of keep saying that I'm too old....

at least He has got some level of progressed.


At that moment, I found out that "I have been using my age for my biggest Excuse for my life"

People also using their age as a biggest excuse as well like.....



We are using the number of age with all kind of excuse

liketoo youngtoo young to do that.and all of sudden, at certain point of our age this excuse just changed its' one word.

I am too old.....too old to do it.....too old to start new thing...


There is no time too young,

There is no time too old

There is only time now. just do whatever you want right now!


Right now, It is the best time to do something you want,

Like new starting Ulsan Leaders Toastmasters club now.