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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

Humorously Speaking #2....Leave them with a smile (5~7 Min.),,,,,,,,Man errs so long as he strives



<Man errs so long as he strives>


Happy New year!

It has already passed exactly one week.

I assume that all diligent ULTM members and welcome guests with some kind of new Year's resolution, have set up the New Year's

goals and plans to achive that goals, haven't you?


But I have not yet even set up the goals for this new year.

It is not becaus I am lazy but it is all because of Mr. Han.


It was all stared from Han!


One day in the last autum 2017,

I had been having a deep thought about myself over and over,

What is my best talent and what is my best skill for my vocational aptitude?

What kind of work will bring me rewarding material-wise and mental-wise

Even farder ultimate happiness;

What kind of job could make me feel the full sence of achivement and worthwhile.


But Please don't get me wrong that it does not mean I am miserable at my current job.

I rather have a craving for better life than now, not only settle down where I am now.


While I was absorbed in this kind of thought, I went to Daegu with Mr, Han to attent area Speech Contest.

It was Nov. 4th 2017.


Han and I met at the KTX station at Ulsan and went to up to Daegue together

on that jurney I became to know two things about Han

First he was served as a first lieutenant at the Army

Second He has the teaching certificate but he did not choose to be a teacher, he said teaching is not the kind job for him.

Just like simple and mere facts about Han.


But When I came back to my house, I thought about the job of teaching.....

I like kids and delivering speech to people but how come I have not been seeking of being a teacher.

but I had a experience of teaching English just before returning to my Uni. at the private institution.

that time I was not that much happy with that teaching job.

My zeal for teaching Engligh and fondness of students was overwhlemed by only score-oriented educational Industry circumstance.

then what? 


Should I stay as it is now? or try to find other way?

While I was searching for graduate school of education, I accidently get to know that there is graduate school of Technology & Inovation Management so called MOT at UNIST.

at UNIST! it located in Ulsan and it very near....Why not study a bit more and get a master degree!


When I visited UNIST MOT homepage, that was exactly the time for application for year 2018.

I directly applied and had a interview, that interviewing day, I met Anes and we had coffee....^^

and finally last week, I got this.  


but  the jubilation of acceptance letter did last long, since I got the curriculum of MOT.

from Mon to Thur. all the way to 7pm to 10 pm and plus extra class on weekend for 3 years......


all the evening time for 3 years.....No time with my sons....

within that 3 years my first son will be 16, and second one 13...

every morning I will go to work and come back home from MOT almost 11pm. no time for family especially with my sons...


the last weekend, I had a soem quiet conversation with my wife on this matter

and my wife said that if you really want to study, I don't wannt to put you down but please consider that

it is very critcal time for our kids and they sincerly want to spend time with daddy.


I fully understand her points and I also don't want to be away from my family

So, I through away this acceptance letter.


I don't want to say to myself that the last 2 months I wasted my time

but I want to say this senten in the book of Faust written by Goethe


" Man errs so long as he strives"


Now I have to set up the new goals and plans for the new year of 2018! Thanks to Mr. Han!^^


