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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

L3-P1. Tiger Stories



Now adays I am a bit neglect attending and delivering speeches in our lovely ULTM.
I could say it all becaus of dame the COVID19 pandemic or uneasiness of online meeting to me.

But my personal reason for this year is I became a team manger at the begining of this year. 

and I have 12 team members I'm taking care of.


After a bit more than 6 months being a Team Manager, I got a few lessons and I want to share them with my ULTM members. With the speech title of "Tiger Stories"


Anectote 1 :  "Tiger in the house"

Ever since I got graduated from my Uni. which was 2002

I have been working for company almost 20 years and I enjoied a lot working with people and taking initiative.

When majority of people say it is going to be a hard project, I don't want to take it....  

If I reckon it is hard but it looks interesting and exciting, I willingly take it. Why not.

and you know, especially my current company is national corporate so my job stability is secured as long as I do not commit any criminals.

That was my attitude to any tasks at my compnay so far. 

At the last May, there was a complecated legal and contractual problem in our department. and the other team managers are not likely to take it to figure out. 

So I said "Okay, I will take it to come up with any sort of solution" and Dept. Mg. and all other Team Mgs are saying "Thanks Chan, We believe in your team, you can do it....."

Then one big blow hit my head, Chan, you are not one personal any more, you mean your team.....

On the way back to my team in the corrido , two thoughts in my head in that very short instant ......


The first one, it is my fault to take this unwelcomed task to my team, it out of my personal vocational habit...

The second, No  I am the Team Manager, so whatever I order my team members they got to do.... I am the tiger in my team!


When I got my team, I called a meeting and make all team memers got together. 

And I said, I know I have just got team manager this year but I am the number 1. so I mention it crystal clear that

I made mistake. 


Anectote 2 :  "Tiger cubs"


In my team there are 12 members and 2 of them are extreamly wanna move to another team.

1 has been here more than 4 yrs and the other one less than 2 years.

I promised them that you are here more than 4 yrs so I let you go to another dept. and you are less than 3 yrs so 

I am not sure to detp. change but if you want to within our dept. team changing.


I delivered more than enough to our Dept. head how they are dedicated to our team so far, and they are almost brun out from marketing team's work now so it is right time to for them to have a change.....

My Dept. head accepted my opinion but wait for the HR dept.'s transfering first. 

If HR transfering doesn't include them then let't think of in Dept. trasfering.

Ultimately the conclusion is they are sopposed to move to an other Dept. or at least an other team.


One Friday almost 6 pm there was Whole companywise HR transffering announcement and their names were not on the list. Then next Monday morning they come to my desk and claimed my promise.....

No HR Dept.'s transffering then why not In-dept. transffering today?

I said...Dept. Head said wait for a day or while.....but they said no....say exact day....

That moment, I though I don't want to give any kind of promise to them....it as if I am facing a tigor cubs which are just before eat me up unless I give what they want right away.

So I said "hey guys....HR Transffering and Performance rating are the only right of management, as you said the In-Dept. transffering is only right of Dept. head" not me eighter you can not, should not have any right to calim it for today or right now....."  


The very next day, they got In-Dept. transfered, which is just change desk location without any good-bye to me, to our team members.


I want to call them tiger cubs who I will never give any kind of promise nor a words.


just before finish my speech, We all ULTM members and guests who made a visite to ULTM on this Sat. evenig, we are all tigers....


Then What kind of tiger you are?

What kind of tiger you wanna be?