분류 전체보기 (409) 썸네일형 리스트형 주말을 잘 살아야 한다 출근해서 하루 8시간 업무를 하는 평일 그 평일의 퇴근시간 이후 시간을 알차게 보내는 것 보다는 토요일, 일요일을 더 열심히 살아야 한다 8시간 이상을 온전히 집중 할 수 있는 시간이다! 그래야 잘 산다!! 23.8.28(월) Ulsan Leaders Toastmasters Club_Speech What is your hobby? (입트영) A possible price increase of cigarette.....13.5.7 A possible price increase of cigarette If you happen to be a smoker, I have bad news for you. The ministry of Health and Welfare plans to increase the price of cigarettes. For those who don’t smoke, a pack of cigarette usually costs about 2,500won. That’s cheaper than a Big Mac! The ministry has a plan to almost double the current price. It’s not clear whether they do it gradually or just at onc.. (입트영) Yangpyeong Strawberry Festival.....13.5.6 Yangpyeong Strawberry Festival Every year from mid-February until the end of May, a strawberry festival is held in Yangpyeong County, Gyeonggi Province. It is a way for local farmers to celebrate their strawberry crops. 13 different towns in the county participate in the festival. Each towun offers its own activities and events for people of all ages. You can actually pick your own strawberries .. (입트영) Children’s Day in Korea.....13.5.3 Children’s Day in Korea When I was a kid, the most depressing thing was when a public holiday fell on a Sunday. Guess what! It’s going to happen again! This Sunday is children’s Day, which is an official holiday in Korea. I may be depressed a bit for Korean children, today brings the same excitement that Christmas and birthdays do to children in the rest of the world. It is a time for great gift.. (입트영) Duck Day and Cucumber Day.....13.5.2 Duck Day and Cucumber Day There are so many special “Days” in Korea. You know what I mean, like valentine’s Day, White Day, Rose Day, and so on and so forth. You probably know that these days are meant for couples. But some other special “Days” are designed to promote consumption of particular products by government agencies. And today is that special day. It’s Duck Day and Cucumber Day! The num.. (입트영) Workers’ Day in Korea.....13.5.1 Workers’ Day in Korea Are you working today by any chance? I’m sure some of you are working, and some of you aren’t. Whatever the case may be, today is Workers’ Day, also known as International Workers’ Day or May Day, and you have all the right in the world to celebrate it. Workers’ Day commemorates the struggle and gains made by workers and the labor movement. In Korea the first May Day celebr.. (입트영) The Golden Ratio.....13.4.30 The Golden Ratio You know, Einstein once said, “Never stop asking questions” With that in mind, I want you to pull out your credit card. Have you ever wondered why credit cards are shaped as a rectangle? You may not agree with me but that’s because it is the most pleasing and beautiful shape. They are made using the golden ratio. The golden ratio, also called phi, is a famous geometry idea origi.. (입트영) You’ve got an attitude...13.4.19 You’ve got an attitude Have an attitude; 태도가 건방지다 Strike an attitude; 허세를 부린다 Throw SB attitude; ~에게 반항적인 태도를 취하다 You’ve got an attitude. 너는 참 시건방져 She has attitude problems Who would put up with your attitude? 누가 네 그런 태도를 받아주겠냐? Can we adjust the attitude? 지금 그게 무슨 태도야? You need an attitude adjustment He was showing some attitude during practice today, so the coach benched him I hate her becaus.. (입트영) Black Day in Korea.....13.4.12 Black Day in Korea It’s April 14th. You don’t have a significant other and Valentine’s and White Day sucked. What do you do? Celebrated Black Day of course! Black Day is meant for all the lonely hearts. You commiserate with your fellow singles by eating jajangmyeon and wearing dark clothes. The Black jajangmyeon signifies how depressing it can be without a mate. But now Black Day can be a way to.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 41 다음