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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

(입트영) In this time of penny pinching, it will make a great stocking stuffer

Penny-pinching: (인색하게)아끼다, 절약하다. e.g. tight-fisted, stingy, cheap
He is well known for his eccentric penny-pinching.
He’s made a lot of money on the stock market, but he’s still tight-fisted.
He is so stingy he never buy his girlfriend a present.
Oh, please, Dad, just this once don’t be cheap.

Tighten one’s belt: 절약, 긴축하다. 아끼다
I am used to tightening my belt in my life.
Clearly, if you are spending more than your income, you’ll need to tighten your belt.
They were urged to tighten their belts for the war effort.(war effort 전쟁보급품)
Yesterday’s vote means that Greeks are prepared to accept a period of belt tightening.

Cut corners: 간단하게, 지름길로 간다. 꼭 필요한 소비만 한다(절약한다)
I won’t cut corners just to save money. I put quality first.
The government cut corners when they built the school with bad materials, and put everyone in danger.
Shawn had a terrible vacation because he cut corners while planning it, and was forced to stay in bad hotels.

We should know how to spend and how to save (쓸 때 쓰고 아낄 때 아낀다)
Easier said than done