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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

(입트영) Misery loves company

Talk about Valentine's Day (Feb 14, 2013)

In the US, Valentine’s Day is mainly a day catered to women, Men are responsible for planning dates, flowers, a gift, etc.

There is a lot of pressure to live up to expectations. A botched Valentine’s Day can cause everything go fall apart. In Korea, Valentine’s Day is celebrated a bit differently. Couples will do their thing. But for singles, the protocol on Valentine’s Day is unique. Women give chocolate to a man they like. It’s a pretty bold and forward display. If you are lucky, the guy feels the same way. But if the feelings are not reciprocated, Don’t worry. Don’t mope around, go out with your friends and cherish your freedom.

Pattern Practice

That gym is catered only to women.
The magazine is catered to single businessmen.

I don’t think I can live up to your standards.
It is hard to live up to your parent’s expectations.

She botched the cake by forgetting the sugar
We botched the meeting and the clients were disappointed

Let them do their thing
The producer got rid of scripts and let the hosts do their thing

It is pretty bold and forward display
He asked me out in a very forward way
I don’t mean to be too forward but you are hot

I don’t want her to mope around because of the breakup
I was so depressed all I did was mope around at home

expression of the Day

But at least you have your single sister
Yes, Misery loves company