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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

(입트영) World Baseball Classic

Talk about the World Baseball Classic(2013.3.11)
If you are a big baseball fans like my you’ve probably been waiting for the world baseball classic for the last for years. The WBC is an international baseball tournament that is held every four years. In 2005, the international Olympic committee decides to remove baseball as an Olympic event for goodIn response, major league baseball and other professional baseball leagues and their players around the world created the WBC. It was sanctioned by the international baseball federation and the first torment was held in 2006. Although Japan has won the last two tournaments, Korea hold the best win-lose record at 12-4. Play ball!

Pattern Practice
He is a big fan of soccer

An extra day is added to the calendar once every four years
This event is being held every two years
In the US, a presidential election is held every 4 years

He left the United States for good.
She thinks smoking in restaurants should be banned for good.
He left the baseball field for good.

In response, the government decided to build more nuclear power plants.
This department was created in response to the 9/11 attacks
In response, he filed a lawsuit against her

The board refused to sanction his request
The government has sanctioned military action in mail

Yu-na Kim holds the world record in the short program
Dr. Kim holds a Ph.D. degree from Harvard Uni.
Who hold the world record for the 100 meter dash?

expression of the Day
Are you going to watch the baseball game tonight?
Of cause! I wouldn’t miss it for anything

Which team are you rooting for?

Well, team Korea