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(입트영) She had a crush on you She had a crush on you Love triangle is consisted with intimacy, passion and commitment. It is love at first sight (첫눈에 반하다) I’m drawn to him / I’m attracted to him / I’m falling for him (그 사라한테 끌리다) 짝사랑(unrequited love), crush on somebody The boy had a crush on her and thought of her all day I developed a teenage crush on one of my teachers Who is your latest crush? She had a crush on you I hav..
(입트영) It is a delicious twist on the classic Fusion Topokki (Feb 18, 2013) I’m sure you’re familiar with the dish topokki. The spicy rice cakes are an adored meal or snack food. But have you ever tried fusion topokki? It is a delicious twist on the classic. The great thing about fusion topokki is the marriage of old with new. It adds new flavor but retains the unique chewiness of the original. Some variants include Carbonara topokki, curry..
(입트영) In this time of penny pinching, it will make a great stocking stuffer Penny-pinching: (인색하게)아끼다, 절약하다. e.g. tight-fisted, stingy, cheap He is well known for his eccentric penny-pinching. He’s made a lot of money on the stock market, but he’s still tight-fisted. He is so stingy he never buy his girlfriend a present. Oh, please, Dad, just this once don’t be cheap. Tighten one’s belt: 절약, 긴축하다. 아끼다 I am used to tightening my belt in my life. Clearly, if you are spend..
(입트영) That is gibberish to me What is Gye-young-bae (Feb 13, 2013) A few weeks ago, my dad brought home something he got from his friend. It was a wooden box which had some Chinese writings on the top. Obviously the writing looked like gibberish to me. My dad told me it said “Gye-youngb-bae”. “Gye-young” literally means “caution against overflow” and “bae” means a liquor cup. Inside the box, there was a strange-looking porce..
(입트영) Misery loves company Talk about Valentine's Day (Feb 14, 2013) In the US, Valentine’s Day is mainly a day catered to women, Men are responsible for planning dates, flowers, a gift, etc. There is a lot of pressure to live up to expectations. A botched Valentine’s Day can cause everything go fall apart. In Korea, Valentine’s Day is celebrated a bit differently. Couples will do their thing. But for singles, the protoco..
(입트영) inadequate water intake Talk about constipation (Feb 15, 2013) There are certain topics that we really don’t like to talk about. I think constipation is one of those topics. If you have suffered from constipation, you know how painful and frustrating it could be. Constipation refers to having infrequent bowel movements or difficulty in the passing of stool. Most of us get constipation at one time or another. It is more..
(입트영) The origin of Valentine’s day The origin of Valentine’s day goes back to A.D 3 at Roman empire age. At that time it was compulsory to have emperor’s permission to get marry, but one Father allowed one couple got merry without King’s allowance and it caused his death. His name was St. Valentine and since then the 14th of Feb became the day for confession of love. In 1980s one Japanese Chocolate company made advertisement that..
Toastmasters 시작~!!! 2013.2.15 끝까지 갈까 말까를 망설였던.... 95%의 주저함을 무릅쓰고....처음 찾아간 곳에서 보물을 발견했다!!! Seocho Leaders Toastmasters Club
준우, 재우와 만든 우리 가족 규칙 2013.2.15 1. 꿈을 갖는다 2. 자신감을 갖는다. 3. 두려워하지 않는다. 4. 목표를 세운다. 5. 목표를 달성 할 계획을 세운다. 6. 계획을 실행한다 7. 절대 포기하지 않는다 8. 약속을 지킨다 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1. Have a large dream 2. Always be confident 3. Never be afraid 4. Set a goals 5. Plan to achieve the goals 6. Take an action to the plan 7. Never give up 8. Keep the words ------------------------------------------------..
생각이 긍정적이어야....창조적 생각이 들고...그래야 부자가 된다! 2013.2.13 생각이 긍정적이어야 창조적인 사고가 발생한다! 절대 부정적, 비관적인 사고방식에서는 창조적인 발상이 생겨 날 수 없다. 대부분의 공공부문의 업무가 창조성을 띄지 못하는 이유는 현상을 유지하고자 하는 보수성, 소극적인 사고방식으로 사안을 접근하기 때문이다. 부자가 되기 위해서는 부자의 마인드를 가져야 부자가 된다. 부자 마인드란 자신이 희망하는 목표를 정확히 세우고, 그 목표를 향해 긍정적인 사고를 바탕으로, 성공의 확신을 간직한 채 행동하는 것! 생각, 목표, 계획을 가지고 (출발) - 성공의 확신을 가지고 행동에 옮기며 (실행) - 중간에 난관을 만나도 열정으로 그 난관(어려움)을 극복해 나간다면 - 성공은 단지 몇 걸음 밖에 떨어져 있는 것일 뿐이다. 긍정적 사고방식을 갖는 유일한 ..