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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

SLTM...13.4.04 CC#2 - The virtue of a wooden rooster

CC2 for April 4, 2013

Good evening fellow SLTM members and guests?
Another lovely Thursday evening which is my favorite day of week.

I believe that no one is absolutely free from stress and the most of stress in our daily life is coming from the people we meet, isn't it?
the people from company, community in your local area, or even in TM (laugh...), or even from your family.
Today I would like to talk about the stress we are going through in our life.

Do you happen to know Cockfighting? like the game of two roosters are fighting.
or I could say it is a rooster Karate (if AJ present).

Let me introduce the story about the supremacy of Cock fighters.

There was a King in Ju Dynasty in China at about BC 8 name by King Sun who was so much fascinated by cockfighting.

One day the King visited the best cock tamer in that Dynasty,기성자, and asked him to train the rooster he brought to make him the best cock fighter.

After 10 days, King asked the trainer "is he ready?"
기성자 Answered " Not yet, he is strong but he thinks he is the most powerful one only. he is too arrogant and can't fight now"

Another 10 days passed and the King visited again
"Still need more training,
Now he has thrown away the arrogance after he knew that there are so many of stronger than him,
but now he is so terrified and afraid of any slice movement of opponent. he is almost paralyzed, he can't fight now"

one more 10 days had passed and the trainer sent the message to like this
" now the cock has overcame the intimidated mind and got all the strength together
but his eyes are showing too much of aggressiveness and it makes the opponents full ready for the battle"

Finally anther 10 days later.
기성자 visited the Palace with the rooster King asked 40 days ago and said
" Your Majesty,
Now he is ready.
he has very mild expressions on hie eyes and not agitated nor intimidated by anything at all. he just keeps the peace of mind in any situation.
He is very calm as if he were a wooden rooster.

Other cocks will be running away upon seeing his calmness. dare to have a attempt to
fight with him.


>>> 1st try took more than 6" need to make it short.



Good evening fellow SLTM members and guests?

I believe that no one can not be free from a stress.

And the most of stress we got   is from the people we meet, isn't it?
the people from your company, communities, or even in Toast Master (laugh...maybe not???), or even in your family.

Today I would like to talk about the stress we got from the people.

and how to get rid of it.


Let me tell you a story about the best fighting rooster from old idiom, 목계지덕, The virtue of a wooden rooster 

BC 8, in China, Ju Dynasty, there was a King who was fascinated by cockfighting.

and the King asked the well-known rooster trainer at that time to train a rooster be the best fighter. 


10 days later the King asked the trainer "Is he ready?"

and the trainer answered 

"Not yet, he is very strong though but he is too arrogant to fight now. he thinks that he is the most powerful one in China..."


Another 10 days passed and the King asked again "Is he ready?" (need to make it repeat)
and the trainer replied

"Still needs more time, 
Now he is not arrogant at all after he knew that there are so many of stronger roosters than him, 
but now he is rather terrified and afraid of other roosters and even he is almost paralyzed, he can't fight now"

Another 10 days later the trainer sent the message to the King like this 
"Now the rooster has overcome the intimidated mind and get all the strength back together 
but his eyes are showing too much of aggressiveness and it makes the other roosters are full ready for the fighting"

he is making enemies of his own.



Anther 10 days later.

Finally the trainer visited to the King with the rooster in his arms and said
"Your Majesty, He is ready now.

He is strong but not arrogant,

He knows his limit of strength but not afraid of others.

He is full ready for battle but not showing out any aggressiveness at all.

He is very calm and even has mild smile on his face 

He looks like the rooster made from wood and no other roosters have a try on him for fighting.


It is a virtue of a wooden rooster!





Do you think who the rooster got suffer from? 

The King?  the trainer? or the other roosters?

Do you think who you get the stress from?

people from your company, communities, family?


I am being proud when I think I am better than others around me

I am being depressed when I feel I am not capable of something not like others around me

Being arrogant, intimidated, or afraid of some things


All these kind of feeling or stress begin from my mind.

from the inside of you, not from the outside of you.


Now can you find where the key of the solution of your stress is?


I think you can.... very easily... 


>>>>>6"55' need to make it a bit shorter.

>>>>>7"20' need to change a bit at the conclusion part




Good evening fellow SLTM members and guests?

I believe that no one can not be free from a stress.

And the most of stress we got   is from the people we meet, isn't it?
the people from your company, communities, or even in Toast Master (laugh...maybe not???), or even in your family.

Today I would like to talk about the stress we got from the people.

and how to get rid of it.


Let me tell you a story about the best fighting rooster from old idiom, 목계지덕, The virtue of a wooden rooster 

BC 8, in China, Ju Dynasty, there was a King who was fascinated by cockfighting.

and the King asked the well-known rooster trainer at that time to train a rooster be the best fighter. 


10 days later the King asked the trainer "Is he ready?"

and the trainer answered 

"Not yet, he is very strong though but he is too arrogant to fight now. he thinks that he is the most powerful one in China..."


Another 10 days passed and the King asked again "Is he ready?" (need to make it repeat)
and the trainer replied

"Still needs more time, 
Now he is not arrogant at all now after he knew that there are so many of rooster stronger than him, 
but now he is rather terrified and afraid of other roosters and even he is almost paralyzed, he can't fight now"

Another 10 days later the trainer sent the message to the King like this 
"Your Majesty! Now the rooster has overcome the intimidated mind and get all the strength back together 
but his eyes are showing too much of aggressiveness and it makes the other roosters are full ready for the fighting"

he is making enemies of his own.



Anther 10 days later.

Finally the trainer visited to the King with the rooster in his arms and said
"Your Majesty, He is ready to fight now.

He is strong but not arrogant,

He knows his limit of strength but not afraid of others.

He is full ready for battle but not showing out any aggressiveness at all.

He is very calm and even has mild smile on his face 

He looks like the rooster made from woods and no other roosters even try to fight against him for fighting.


It is a virtue of a wooden rooster!






So in the story who do you think the rooster got all the stress from?

The King?  the trainer? or the other roosters?

Isn't it himself? he thought he was strongest and intimidated and showing hostility 

Who do you think you get all the stress from?

people from your company, communities, family?


I am being proud when I think I am better than others around me

I am being depressed when I feel I am not capable of something not like others around me

sometimes arrogant, intimidated, or afraid of some things


I realized that 

All these kind of feeling and stress begin from my mind.

from the inside of me, not from the outside of myself.


Now can you find where the key of the solution for your stress is?


Yes, you are right!  YOUR SELF (in silence)


Thank you!