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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

SLTM...13.4.25 CC#3 - Ways of overseas traveling with less budget.

April 25, 2013 (Best Speaker, only speaker)




- Great job, great confidence, good visual conection with the audience, interesting topics


- Your story is always very interesting and exotic. Thanks for such interestig stories and contribution to the Club


- Good speech for information. I'm curious just one thing that how did you know these information?

   if you put these things, the story could be more interested.


- It was really interesting to hear what happened in your late 20s. Nice speech (by Young) 


- You brilliant natural born speaker. I was tatally engaged in your speech. I 'm a big fan of your speaches.

   I was so amazed by how natually and skillfully you use your gestures!

   Just one thing to consider more is I wish you had this climax.

   Your speech went so smooth but I couldn't really find the climax.

   I will look forward to your 4th speech. weel done


- 3rd way that I want to share with you is..."Couch surfing" which is providing and provided to travellers 

  "free shelter"

  You certainly suceeded with getting to the point but time management should be a little bit developed.

  If you want to speak about 2 ways, then you have to spend at least simillar amount of time on the two things.

  other than that, it was really great speech (by John) 






CC #3 - Get to the Point


General Purpose - Informative

Specific Purpose - Introducing my personal experience of Kibbutz and Working Holiday visa in OZ

One sentence to accomplish in the speech - after hearing my presentation, the audience will be able to identify what  Kibbutz and Working Holiday Visa are.






Okay, Good evening fellow SLTM members and guests.

Today I will talk about 2 ways of overseas traveling without much cost on you.


If you are in your 20 or if you are single, 

so you are a bit free so that you can take a few months off or one year off for traveling. 

I would like to recommend one of these programs to you.


Please pay attention, you might find a new challenge to your life this time. 





The first program is Kibbutz in Israel.

Have you heard of Kibbutz?

Do you happen to know what Kibbutz is?


Kibbutz is the word of Hebrew meaning  "gathering" or "clustering"

A kibbutz is a collective community a combination of socialism and Zionism.


It is a big collective farm made by the Jewish people came back to Israel under the movement of Zionism.

Then what is Zionism?

In layman's term, It  is a movement of trying to build a Jewish country in the land of Palestine which is Jewish people claim it is their land.

When Jewish family came back to the land of Palestine, they could not live by themselves; they were easy target to be attacked by Muslim people so they made Kibbutz, collective living society, all the houses at the center of the kibbutz and farm, orchard,  ranch

something like it.

They producing together, sharing together, having same food for each and every meal and even made a rotation of their house in every 2 years.


Most of Kibbutz need labor force due to young Kibbutzniks want to live in city, instead of Kibbutz, they think Kibbuts life is boring

that is why they need volunteer worker.

when young volunteer worker arrive at a Kibbutz, he or she would be assigned to a house to stay and work to do.

As long as you do your job for  8 hr or 6 hr a day, they would provides you food, house, cloth and even a little of pocket money like between 100 ~ 200 US$ a month.




The second program is a working holiday visa.

I think it has been already well known to most of Korean youth.


a Working holiday visa is you can travel and work regally. 

With Korean Nationality, you can apply for this visa of OZ, NZ, Canada, England, Ireland  Japan and many of European countries like France,German  for 12 months.





If you are young or single and want to see some thing new, something totally different from what you are get used to now, 

Then go for traveling. 


you can not do it once you settled down and have your family, if you have family, you have to be royal to your family 


but  now if you are young and single, it is time for you to be royal to yourself.


Then I strongly suggest to go out to other countries to experience new thing and find who you are...


I will do same recommendation to my children when they reached to their 20th.


Take traveling not to study English but to find who you are.  


There are many way do to it without asking money to your parents. 


You can find it who you are though travelings.





Okay, Good evening again.

Happy to have this chance to do my Ice breaker again....

I thought I did not introduce myself at first time. I didn't receive the manual ^^ at that time.


So now let me tell you about my story.



March 1997,I was 25 and I was on the air plane heading to Israel.

I finished my army service at 1996 and spent the one year for preparing University entrance test one more time.

I already finished my second year at my University majoring Environmental Science  but during the 2 years, I had a big burden in my mind that Why I chose to science course instead of literate course at my high school.

So after my military duty I thought it was good time to make it correct my regret  I would take entrance test one more time for the liberal art and to get rid of the burden. 

I wanted to study Law, I studied hard and applied for law department.


at the end of December I got two notice, one I failed to enter the law department and the other one was about the Kibbutz, they accept Korean as a volunteer then I decided to go to Israel.


It was not for learning English nor do volunteer work. I was not interested at all in doing volunteer working.

That was solely a escaping from severe competitive society. I was depressed by busy and competitive life style in Korea.

I assumed that If Kibbutz is socialism community, I would like to have experience of the new system of society, no competition, no pressure or stress.


I was a dairy boy, make milk from cows from 6 am till noon. 6 hrs work, 

I was luck that my kibbutz was rich one located next to the lake Gaily.

no stress, no competition at all...very peaceful....weather was fantastic, it is Mediterranean climate.

all after noon I lay down on lawn, reading books, sleeping and watching some kibbutznik playing violin on the lawn or drawing a oil painting,,..

Can you imagine these scene? 

You don't need to worry for your job, your daily life, your house....totally different life style? isn't it?


There were many volunteers like me from England, Denmark, South Africa, NZ, OZ,

all very kind, sportive....

every night we got together drinking Vodka, talking, singing.....playing game....

But I had a small problem for myself....even though I was very happy with the peaceful life style.

that was I could not understand what they were talking about.

I could not speak what I want to say in English!

Some friend asked me " how is it going?" I replied I am going to dining room...I just heard "going"

It took me 3 months to understand what they were talking about and another 3 months to speak what I want to say in a very basic way.


Staying in Kibbutz for 6 months gave me a confidence that I could go traveling anywhere in the world then my backpacking travelling began there.

I went to Jordan the neighbor country of Israel to see the Petra and traveling around Jordan one month and another one month in London and Paris, not England or France only London and Paris. I thought it in London. All countries I would be visiting a new to me then English-speaking  country better for me, 

I back to Israel and applied for Working Holiday Visa for OZ, 



I flew to OZ 12 months....


NZ another  6 months...


on the way back to Korea, another one month in Malaysia.




While I was traveling I threw away my camera.

I found myself that I was paying too much intention to take pictures than feeling myself and the scenery.


traveling without a camera, then I became to feel more things, like taking whole things into my eyes and brain.


I still remember all the landscape I saw, The breathtaking and overwhelmed moment 

The emerald color of lake in the Fraser Island in OZ,

the misted morning freshness in the forest of NZ

the deadly silence of Jordan dessert...


Some body saying to me that I wasted 2 years and 3 months of my life time for hanging around. 

Maybe it is true, I could not apply for good job when I graduated from my University, I was over 30, too old.


But now over 40,  whenever I have a tough time, I take a deep breath then I could feel the feeling I got during my backpacking.


I can do it!


I Can Do It!