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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

KNOC TM - CC#1(rev.4).....15.3.24

Good afternoon fellow members and welcome guests.

It is my Icebreaker speech so I thought which part of my life would be most representing myself to you?
Yes, of cause, what I did when I was young....in my 20s.
When I just finished my military service,
I decided to take one year off from going back to my Uni. and go to Israel to be a volunteer at the Kibbutz.
Do you happen to know what Kibbutz is?
That is a kind of collective community formed by the Jewish people who returned from all over the world to the land of Palestine.
When the Jewish came back to Palestine, 
They were so easy target to be attacked by Muslim so they made large community together. 
That is Kibbutz. 
They put all the houses at the center of the Kibbutz and surrounded housed by farms, orchards, ranches and wired fence something like that.
In the Kibbutz they were producing together and shared all the productions together.
What is this? 
What can you call this kind of society?
Yes, Socialism or Communism you could say....
The reason I went to Israel was merely "curiosity"
I wanted to live in a different environment from Korea while I was still young and I had time.
I was a dairy boy in the Kibbutz, making milk from cows.
As long as I work for 6 hours a day, they provided me with 3 meals and a separated house for myself.
I chose to work from 6 am until noon, 6 hours......after work,,,I had a lunch and took a rest...swimming, reading books, take a walk, and talking with people......that's it.
Totally different life style. wasn't it.
In my Kibbutz there were more than 300 people.
They could choose their jobs or they can change according to their skills or their wish...
such as working at farm or factory, at dinning room, working as a shop keeper, or teacher, nurse....
Only one condition, working for 6 hours a day. 
no payment different nor working condition difference at all. all the same
I enjoyed a lot this kind of slow....peaceful....no competition life...it was so beautiful and so something....
But I knew that I had to come back to Korea....
In fact, I didn't want to live in the Kibbutz for whole of my life.
After living in the Kibbutz for 6 months 
I thought that I need to make myself re-adapted to capitalism, "the market-oriented" society before I come back to Korea.
So I came out of Kibbutz and began to take a traveling with making money....
At first I only planned for an other 6 months to make one full year full.....traveling within Israel ....like Tel-Avibe...Jerusalem...
but I thought I could go further just out of Israel.....so I went Egypt, Jordan.....
When I got there I thought why not to Europe, it is not very far from here....
So I had been to London and Paris....
but OMG .....London was too expensive....Paris...damn no English....
I thought hummmm......."I could live in a English speaking country.....not too expensive one....not too cold country.."
But truly,  In my mind there was one definite howling....
"Chan.....it could be my only and last chance to take traveling this much....
Once I go back to Korean and once you go back to school there won't be any chance for this kind of traveling in my life ever again..."
So I been to Australia with working holiday visa for 1 year....and New zealand, 6 months...and Malaysia one month.
My traveling started with Kibbutz finally ended up 2 years and 2 months precisely....
During my travel I have seen a lot..... 
That was everything in all kind of society, country, company or group of people....
Every thing depend on the people who belong to.
they can make, they can create anything as long as they are not stuck in themselves by themselves
And what I learn was I will keep trying to take myself out of myself.
take myself out of myself that was what I learn.