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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

SLTM_ CC12...Humorously speaking....Where love stars



Do you know the author named Dr. John Gray?
or what about the book he wrote, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

I would like to tell you a anecdotes I heard from the man and woman respectively, separately from each other.
Man and woman, they have far way different point of view. and how they are thinking differently.
For easy way to call, Let's call the man a Mars, and the lady, a Venus.

Their the first meeting was blind date.
Some of their mutual acquaintance hooked them up for meeting, Mars and Venus met at in front of book store called "건대 글방"

They went to for lunch and talked a lot about how they had been living so far.
the Mars told me that
"hummm.... Venus is a good listener and makes me willing to talk about myself more and more"
and when I asked her, what kind of man is your idea? her reply was that I don't have any ideal man I rather polish myself to be a ideal
girl to the man,,,,,
I really liked her way of thinking.......

I reacted to a Mars, "wow, she is a great woman...."
But I also heard some thing from a Venus
Venus told me that....
"Mars was so talkative and kept talking and talking about himself.....I could not help saying ummu.....did you?....you did.....
and when Mars asked me who is my idea man....I was so embracing....because Mars was definitely not the one of my idea then how can I say that my Idea man is the opposite of you.....so I said....I want to develop myself first....

Poor Mars...

After they finished lunch, Mars was hurry to put his coats on, it was middle of February, so Mars was wearing thick leather jacket which took some time to button all up...
but Venus took the bill and paid for the lunch first.....
Mars said he really liked Venus's action, you know, usually in blind date, women don't pay any money, especially for the first meal
it seemed like women come to blind date to have free lunch at least....but Venus was totally different...she was great person.
that is what Mars told me.....

What about Venus's talk?
She told me that Mars took too long time to wear his coat.
Obviously, he did need to put on his coat to pay the bill in side of the restaurant, didn't he?
he looked like reluctant to pay the bill so I paid....I felt humiliated to pay the lunch at the blind date....for the first meal.
this is exactly what she told me.....

and one day in spring, Mars came to me and saying .....
" Chan, Venus is so great, last weekend I went to Venus's house, you know, she is living in Seoul by herself.
but her house was so clean and every thing was neat and tide.
everything was well located and organized and furthermore, when she prepared lunch on her own for me.
the rice and side dishes were so perfect...she will be a perfect wife...

But I heard from Venus one day earlier that...
" Chan, yesterday Mars came to my house and ate all the side dishes my mom made for me last week when she was here.
my mom cleaned all the room for me...
I have to call my mom asking for another foods for me.....what shall I tell my mom finished that much food less than one week...

the critical event!

one day Mars invited Venus come over to his house for dinner.
Mars's house was in Ansan city which was more than 1 hour by subway to Kukuk Uni. area, Venus's house.
but over 10, 11, midnight, Venus did ask Mars what time was the last subway.
so Mars was in deep dismay that....
"hummmmm....now...look at her....it is almost last subway time but she did care of the time...
she must want to stay at my place tonight.....I can accept it but I thought of her as a my wife to be....but if she stay tonight at my house.
then I will look at only my girl friend not her my fiance to be.

So Mars told Venus that...."it is too late now there are no subway by now....if you want....you can stay tonight here.."

when Venus heard it she was so surprised and said Mars that
"...you invited me to here in Ansan then you have to take me back to Seoul!, don't you?...
I already told my mom and dad that I would be your place and you take me back to Seoul...."
so Mars drove a car to take Venus back to Seoul at 1 a.m.

After this happening....

Mars told me that...."Chan, I will marry to Venus...she is definitely my type!"
and Venus told me ..." Chan, Mars is crazy, weird, sexual perversion.....I will be not, never going to see him again.

So, where love stars?
Misunderstanding each other.....Misunderstanding.....

Can you guess who is Venus?
Yes, my sons's mother......

Thank you




[Revised 1]


Do you happen to know the author named Dr. John Gray? 
or what about the book he wrote, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" 

I would like to speak about an anecdotes I heard from the man and woman respectively, separately from each other. 
Man and woman, they have way different point of view and you will see where love stars. 
For easy way to calling, Let's call the man Mars, and the lady, a Venus. 

They met for the first time as a blind one cold winter day. 

They went to for lunch and talked a lot to get to know each other.

After the first meeting Mars told me that 
"hummm.... I think Venus is a very good listener, she made me very spontaneous to talk about myself more and more" 
and when I asked her, what kind of man is your ideal? her reply was awesome she said that I don't have any ideal man I would  rather to polish myself up to be a nicer girl to the man,,,,, I really liked her way of thinking.......and you know what?
After the lunch, I was hurry to put my coats on, it was a thick leather jacket so took some time to button all up... 
but Venus took the bill and paid for the lunch first.....amazing, didn't she?
I really liked Venus's action, you know, usually in blind date, women rarely pay money, especially for the first meal, never. 
they seem like to come to there for free lunch or something, don't they?
but Venus was obviously not.......She is different.... 
that is what Mars told me..... 

I reacted to a Mars was..."wow, she is a great woman...." 
Because I had been told some thing from a Venus already. 
Venus told me that.... 
"Mars was so talkative and he was just kept talking and talking about himself.....I could not help saying ummu.....did you?....you did..... 
and when Mars asked me who is my ideal man....I was so embarrassed....because Mars was definitely not my type at all then how could I exactly say my Mr. right who is the exactly the opposite of him.....so I just said....I want to develop myself first....
and furthermore, he spent too long time to wearing his coat when we finished lunch.
Obviously, he did not need to put on his coat to pay the bill in side of the restaurant, didn't he? 
he was reluctant to pay the bill so I paid....I felt humiliated to pay for the lunch at the blind date....he sucked
this is exactly what she told me..... 
Poor Mars... 

and one day in spring, Mars came to me and saying ..... 
" Chan, Venus is so great, last weekend I went to Venus's house, you know, she is living in Seoul by herself. 
but her house was so clean and every thing was neat and tide. 
everything was well organized, Moreover, when she prepared lunch for me on her own. 
the side dishes were so beautiful, they were perfect...she will make a perfect wife to man, I am sure, any way I'll invite her to my place next week.

Just after Mars gone, Venus came to me and said. 
" Chan, yesterday Mars came to my house and ate all the side dishes which my mom made for me last weekend when she was here. 
my mom also cleaned all the room for me... 
I have to call my mom again and ask some more foods....but how I can tell her that I finished that much food within less than one week... 

When Venus came over to Mars's house the critical event happened
Mars's house was in Ansan city which was more than 1 hour distance by subway to Venus's house. 
but over 10, 11, midnight, Venus did ask Mars when is the last subway time.... 
so Mars was in deep dismay thinking that...
"hummmmm....now...look at her....it is almost last subway time but she didn't even care of the time... 
she must want to stay at my place tonight.....I can accept it but I thought of her as a my wife to be....but if she stay tonight at my house. 
then I will regard her only as a girl friend, not her my fiance to be. 

So Mars told Venus that...."it is too late now there are no subway by now....if you want....you can stay tonight here.." 

when Venus heard it she was so shocked to death and shouted back to Mars that 
"...you invited me here in Ansan then you have to take me back to Seoul!, don't you?... 
I already told my mom and dad that I would be your place I did not have any intent to stay over night here, No way!!!
so Mars drove a car to take her back to Seoul at 1 a.m.....with full of smile on his face.... 

After this happening.... 

Mars told me that...."Chan, I will marry to Venus...she is definitely my type!" 
and Venus told me ..." Chan, Mars is crazy, weird, sexual perversion.....I will be not, never going to see him again. 

So, you see where love stars? 
Misunderstanding.....between Mars and Venus! 

and one more thing.
Can you guess who is Venus? 
She is my sons's mother now and who was Mars? you can guess it.....

Thank you 



Do you happen to know the author named Dr. John Gray? 
or what about the book he wrote, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" 
Man and woman, they have way different way of thinking and point of view.

But where the love between man and woman stars? Let figure it out.

Tonight I would like to speak about an anecdote I heard from the man and woman respectively.

I know both of them. 
For easy way to calling, I will call the man Mars, and the lady Venus. 

They met for the first time as a blind in a cold winter day. 

They went to for lunch and talked a lot to get to know each other.

After the first meeting Mars told me that 
"Chan.... I think Venus is a very good listener, she made me very spontaneous to talk about myself more and more and when I asked her, what kind of man is your ideal? her reply was awesome she said that I don't have any specific man for my ideal, I would rather to polish myself up to be a nicer girl,,,,, I really liked her way of thinking.......

and you know after the lunch, I was hurry to put my coats on, it was a thick leather jacket so took some time but she took the bill and paid for the lunch first.....amazing, isn’t it?
Generally speaking, in blind date, women rarely pay money, especially for the first meal,

She is different....I think I will like her…”
that is what Mars told me..... 

But just before Mars, I had been told something from a Venus already. 
Venus told me that.... 
"Chan,,,Mars was so talkative and he was just kept talking and talking about himself.....

I could not help saying ummu.....did you?....you did..... 
and when Mars asked me who is my ideal man....I was so embarrassed....

because he is definitely not my type at all then how could I frankly say my Mr. right who is the exactly the opposite of him.....so I just said....I want to develop myself first....

Worst thing is this, when we finished lunch, he took too long time to wearing his.

Obviously, he did not need to put on his coat to pay the bill in side of the restaurant, didn't he? 
He was reluctant to pay the bill so I paid....

I felt humiliated to pay for the lunch at the blind date....he sucked”
this is exactly what she told me..... 

And one fine day in Spring, Mars came to me and saying ..... 
" Chan, Venus is so great, Yesterday I went to Venus's house, you know, she is living in Seoul by herself, her hometown is another city far away from Seoul.
but her house was so clean and everything was neat and tide. 
Moreover, when she prepared lunch for me on her own, the side dishes were just beautiful.

They were perfect...she will make a perfect wife to man.

I think I have to invite her to my place next week.

Just after Mars gone, Venus came to me and said. 
" Chan, yesterday Mars came to my house and ate all the side dishes which my mom made for me last weekend. My mom came to my place last week cleaned all my house and made the food for me….Geeee I have to call mom again and asking for another foods....how I can tell her that I finished that much food within less than one week... 

When Venus came over to Mars's house the critical event happened.
Mars's house was in Ansan city which was more than 1 hour distance by subway to Venus's place but over 10, 11, midnight, Venus did ask Mars when is the last subway time.... 
so Mars was in deep dismay and thinking like this...
"hummmmm....now...look at her....it is almost last subway time but she didn't even care of the time... she must want to stay at my place tonight.....I can accept it but I have been thinking of her as a my wife to be....but if she stay tonight at my house…then I will only regard her only as a girl friend, not her my fiancé or something. 

So Mars told Venus straight forward that...."it is getting late there is no subway to Seoul by now....if you want....you can stay tonight here.." 

When Venus heard it she was so shocked to death and shouted back to Mars that 
"...You invited me here in Ansan then you have to take me back to Seoul!, haven’t you?... 
I already told my mom and dad that I would be your place I don’t have any intent to stay over night here, No way!!! How dare you think like that?

so Mars way driving his car to take her back to Seoul at 1 a.m.....with full of smile on his face.... 

After this happening.... 

Mars told me that...."Chan, I will marry to Venus...she is definitely my type!" 
and Venus told me ..." Chan, Mars is crazy, weird, sexual perversion.....I will be not, see him again. 

So, you see where love stars? 

Misunderstanding.....between Mars and Venus! 

and one more thing.

Can you guess who is Venus? 
She is my sons's mother now and who was Mars? you can guess it.....

Thank you