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SLTM...13.4.04 CC#2 - The virtue of a wooden rooster CC2 for April 4, 2013 Good evening fellow SLTM members and guests? Another lovely Thursday evening which is my favorite day of week. I believe that no one is absolutely free from stress and the most of stress in our daily life is coming from the people we meet, isn't it? the people from company, community in your local area, or even in TM (laugh...), or even from your family. Today I would like ..
It can be useful down the road It can be useful down the road We don’t know what the situation will be like a month down the road They hope to expand the business somewhere down the road This is a wonderful invention, but a marketable product is several years down the road yet. We may at some point buy a house but that’s down the road We’ll probably want kids too but that’s a few years down the line Somewhere down the road I ..
(입트영)Hypertension.....13.3.26 Hypertension My parents had been telling me to get a regular medical check-up for quite a while. A couple of weeks ago, I finally decided to get one. I really thought I was in fairly good health. Boy, was I wrong! I got the result in the mail and it said my blood pressure was 139 over 90! It was right on the borderline of hypertension or simply high blood pressure. Doctors call this case prehype..
(입트영)Nuri Peace Park.....13.3.25 Nuri Peace Park.....13.3.25 The Korean War broke out decades ago but the painful legacy remains in both Koreas. However, Imjingak Pyeonghwanuri Park contains hope in reunification. Nuri Park is poignant for separated families. Many people who miss their loved ones never fail to visit. It gives solace to their homesickness. This artistic park located in Paju expresses the yearning for peace. It i..
어머니가 검정고시를 시작하셨답니다..... 2013-03-29 우리 어머니...올해로 68세의 46년 개띠시다. 가만있자....어머니가 중학교를 졸업하셨었나? 내 학창시절 왜 학교에서는 그렇게도 부모님의 학력사항을 적어 내라 했던지? 부모님 학력란에 고졸이라고 쓰시면서 아버지는.... '내가 대학을 못 나와서 돈 벌기가 힘들다..."는 푸념을 하시곤 했다 어머니 학력란에도 아버지와 같이 고졸이라고 아버지가 써 주셨지만... 언제었던가...어머니가 고등학교를 졸업하지 않고 서울로 올라오셨다는 이야기를 들은 기억이 난다. 68세의 할머니 술 좋아하시고....친구 좋아하시는 우리 아버지를 만나 젊은 시절부터 그리 고생하시던 어머니시다. 내가 아버지로부터 따뜻한 아버지의 사랑이나 인생의 상담 등을 들어 본 적이 한.번.도. 없었던 것과 같이 어머니 역시..
손석희 아나운서의 유학생활 경희대학교 영어동아리 영통 http://club.cyworld.com/clubV1/Home.cy/51153982 남들은 어떻게 생각할지 몰라도, 나는 내가 지각인생을 살고 있다고 생각한다. 대학도 남보다 늦었고 사회진출도, 결혼도 남들보다 짧게는 1년, 길게는 3∼4년 정도 늦은 편이었다. 능력이 부족했거나 다른 여건이 여의치 못했기 때문이었을 것이다. 모든 것이 이렇게 늦다 보니 내게는 조바심보다, 차라리 여유가 생긴 편인데, 그래서인지 시기에 맞지 않거나, 형편에 맞지 않는 일을 가끔 벌이기도 한다. 내가 벌인 일 중 가장 뒤늦고도 내 사정에 어울리지 않았던 일은 나이 마흔을 훨씬 넘겨, 남의 나라에서 학교를 다니겠다고 결정한 일일 것이다. 1997년 봄 서울을 떠나 미국으로 가면서, 나는 정식으로 ..
(입트영)A hair myth in Korea.....13.3.22 A hair myth in Korea There is a Korean myth about people whose hair grows quickly. Having erotic thoughts can actually make your hair grow faster! I don’t know whether this myth has even a shred of plausibility or not but that is just a funny thing to say to friends. I recognized this as a myth. I usually get a haircut at a beauty salon near my office once a month. Since I ‘m a regular customer ..
(입트영)Let’s cut to the chase Let’s cut to the chase Let’s get down to business Let’s get down to brass tacks Don’t beat around the bush Cut to the chase; get to the point without wasting time We don’t have much time here. Could you cut to the chase? Let’s get down to business Don’t you think that it’s about time to get down to business? Let’s get down to brass tacks Let’s get down to brass tacks. We’ve wasted too much time ..
(입트영)Suwon Hwaseong Fortress.....13.3.21 Suwon Hwaseong Fortress Hwaseong Fortress surrounds Suwon in Gyenggi-do. King Jeonghjo had it built to commemorate his father jangheongseja. Jangheongseha was murdered by his own father. King Yeongjo ordered him to commit suicide. When Jangheonseja refused, he was locked inside a rice chest. Hwaseong was constructed under the guidance of Yu Hyeong-won. The fortress was built scientifically and w..
(입트영)Go with the flow Go with the flow Don’t rock the boat Go with the flow; 물 흐르는 대로 가다, 대세에 따르다 I don’t know what I am doing today…I am just gonna go with the flow No, just relax and go with the flow. Go with it. Don’t fight it. I wasn’t very keen on the decision but it was easier just to go with the flow There’s nothing I can do about the problem, so I might as well go with the flow It is easier to go with the flo..