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영어, 연설 이야기(Toastmasters,TED, Speech)

(입트영)I took my mobile apart

I took my mobile apart

take apart / take to pieces: 분해하다

My mobile has been taken apart by my child
He took his bicycle apart
He takes apart everything that is mechanical
The man has taken the engine apart
The workers are taking the scaffolding apart
This crib takes apart for easy storage
I will have to take the vacuum cleaner to pieces to find out what’s wrong with it

take apart / take to pieces ; 망가뜨린다, 파괴하다
The wreck took both cars apart
The wind took apart the roof and the fence

take apart / take to pieces: 신랄하게 비판하다 (사람이나 행위에 쓰일경우)
The critic took the play apart
The teacher took apart her essay in front of the class
They really took me apart, but I just ignore bad reviews