Humorously Speaking #2....Leave them with a smile (5~7 Min.),,,,,,,,Man errs so long as he strives
2018-01-07 Happy New year! It has already passed exactly one week. I assume that all diligent ULTM members and welcome guests with some kind of new Year's resolution, have set up the New Year's goals and plans to achive that goals, haven't you? But I have not yet even set up the goals for this new year. It is not becaus I am lazy but it is all because of Mr. Han. It was all stared from Han! One ..
Story Telling #3.....The Person who belives in me
2017-09-09 The Person who belives in me Story Telling #3 Plot, Setting, Characters, Action, Twist Tonight I would like to talk about myself, Really myself. What do you think of me? CHAN? Chan, What kind of person I am? Short, a bit fat, brownish dark skin, crazy about playing soccer...etc. like this? but somewhat aren't you think lik this aswell? always full of energy, excitement, cheerful and f..